Prosperity/abundance spell candle
Prosperity/abundance spell candle
Spell candle, herb crusted with orange peel, cedar, Oragano, and lemon balm. Used to charge prosperity/money bowls. Be careful with your intentions and be clear when giving the candle your intentions.
4" chime sold in a 3 pack. Made with beeswax.
Follow safe burning practices.
Burn on a non flammable surface, away from flammable home decor and away for children and pets. Do not let candle burn unattended.
Pet safety not all herbs are safe for pets if you must burn them in a environment with pets do so with proper venting. If doing so in a close room ventilate the room properly before allow pets back in.
Items will ship with in 5 business. Tracking available on all packages delivery after shipment has been received by carrier varies.
Returns and refunds accepted on this item with in 20 days of purchase.
Refunds will processed when item return has been completed.